In Quantum Circuit Therapy you play the part of a therapist for robots with quantum brains. Your client today having a bad day, help them feel better and learn about quantum circuits along the way.

A quick introduction to this quantum circuit:

  • H X Y Z P T are your quantum gates.
  • Below your gates is your quantum circuit with qubit(s), you can drag gates onto your circuit.
  • The circle to the right of your gates is used to create controlled gates.
  • On the first level your quantum circuit has 1 row, that is 1 qubit. Later levels use more than 1 qubit.
  • You can click on multiple gates to move them as a group.
  • To remove a gate from the circuit simply drag it away.

Please leave a comment if you see any mistakes in our levels!

There is also a level editor, if you manage to figure out how that works and create a new level then paste it's json in a comment and it will be added to the game.


JaneDoe (they/them)#0656 - quantum guru + level designer
Akash M - quantum guru
Xoey: quantum guru
murshedsk: quantum guru
oblong: programmer

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